About Us
Metro Forecasting Models' proprietary methodology utilizes non-linear extrapolations that make our forecasts more accurate than any other available tool.
Metro Forecasting Models, LLC is a data consulting and population forecasting firm based in Bonita Springs, Florida. The company was established in 2015 to provide spatial datasets, planning tools, and data analysis to local governments for long-range planning.
In the 1980s, Dr. Paul Van Buskirk established a systematic approach to forecast when and where population growth would occur. In 2010, The Interactive Growth Model® was created to incorporate the variety of complex algorithms Dr. Paul was codeveloping. No other forecasting company takes in this combination of data and uses a measured, thorough approach to make sense of the future. Our experienced team applies a systematic approach to forecasting future development, always with an emphasis on objective technical analysis, meaningful civic involvement, and innovative problem-solving.
We believe our revolutionary planning technology should be accessible to professionals who can make a difference.

The company’s founders, Paul Van Buskirk, PhD, FAICP, PE and David Farmer, AICP, PE have over 60 years of combined experience in civil engineering and urban planning.
The Interactive Growth Model® (the IGM)
The Interactive Growth Model®, developed by Dr. Paul Van Buskirk, FAICP, is a highly sophisticated planning tool which uses multiple data sources to forecast population, housing, demographics, and demand for essential services by location. The model predicts how specific areas will develop based on actual land use policies. Most growth forecasts use linear trend analysis (i.e. % growth) based on census population estimates. Linear trend analyses can be accurate for a short period of time, but they ignore many social and economic factors influencing development. Compare that to the Interactive Growth Model®, which accounts for real development factors and detailed demographic information. The Interactive Growth Model® has been featured in Planning Magazine three times for its innovative and comprehensive approach to forecasting growth.
Our Team
Our experienced team applies a systematic approach to forecasting future development, always with an emphasis on objective technical analysis, meaningful civic involvement, and innovative problem-solving.

Paul Van Buskirk, PhD, FAICP, PE
Chairman of the Board
Paul Van Buskirk is the recipient of the Charles Evans Hughes Award from the American Society for Public Administration, for “courageous, resourceful, and imaginative work in municipal government and its future development.” Dr. Van Buskirk was recently featured, along with other alumni, on the cover of Rensselaer’s Catalog celebrating its 150th Anniversary as a representative of its graduates applying engineering sciences to urban problems. His career as an engineer, city planner and urban modeler has spanned over four decades of service to cities, counties, states, and private developers throughout the U.S. and overseas.
Dr. Van Buskirk is a licensed engineer in three states, a Fellow Member of American Planning Association, and Charter Member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, and the author and designer of the Interactive Growth Model®. He received his undergraduate degree in engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and his Master of Science and PhD from Barry University. He has also been adjunct faculty at Barry University and Florida Gulf Coast University teaching statistics and statistics in planning.

David H. Farmer, AICP, PE, CGC
Chief Executive Officer
David H. Farmer is a nationally recognized subject matter expert with extensive experience in real estate development, finance, and data analysis. David is a former Chairman of the Southwest Florida District Council for the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and he currently teaches nationally for ULI. Dave designed the IGM Utility Model and Impervious Area Forecast Model. David was the project manager for the Collier County Sheriff’s Office Long-Range Master Plan, which won an Award of Merit for Best Practices from the American Planning Association in 2020.
David is an active member of the American Planning Association, the American Institute of Certified Planners, the Florida Planning and Zoning Association and the Urban Land Institute. Farmer’s development experience, urban planning and engineering background provide extensive knowledge and expertise to Metro Forecasting Models.