The Interactive Growth Model® is a sophisticated land use model that demonstrates when and where growth is most likely to occur over time. Interactive Growth Model® forecasts incorporate a variety of social and economic factors.
The land use model is based on an inventory of all existing structures and land. Then, growth factors are developed based on local policy and applied to simulate residential and nonresidential development over time. The result of the land use model is an accurate forecast of future residential units, population, and demand for essential services.
Most growth projections do not account for real development potential. Metro Forecasting Models uses revolutionary land use modeling technologies to account for the actual drivers of growth like vacant land, zoning, housing demand, wetland impairment, endangered species, and proximity to arterial roadways and public utilities. Clients of Metro Forecasting Models use the most defensible, dependable data to forecast growth for their capital plans and investments.
See the 10 different ways Collier County has used the Collier Interactive Growth Model.
Quantify the precise amount of land your area has left to develop until Buildout. Ensure the land is used wisely and benefits the community for generations to come.